Welcome to visit Hyesoung Global. I would like to thank you for visiting Hyesoung Global which aims the best manufacturing technology of PCBA based on SMART FACTORY system.
Based on the best technology of SMT, Hyesoung Global is a company specializing in manufacturing technology, which provides the half-finished products of PCBA to major clients at the right time.
Our company has an internal ideology - “Talented person will lead the future”, and we have continuously developed on the bases of the human resource training system which is to develop engineers’ skills and to make all personnel to be engaged in actual work duties. With these foundations, we have kept good relationships with domestic and foreign partners and continuous technology supports.
Due to the downing of the fourth industrial revolution, it is now possible to monitor and control product history and its quality in real time, which is based on the AI. Hence, all our personnel would not believe blindly the previous success and help our customer who will be with us with another challenge and innovation.
Also, we are trying our best to be the front runner for consistent upfront investment and SMART FACTORY to provide competitive solutions for our customers. With abundant experiences in manufacturing technologies, our company will be the one-stop place to solve customers’ difficulties by building a consortium with our partners in research and development filed for the future.
Hyesong Global is challenging with the slogan “Everything is in the customers’ hands”. And, we want to be with you after becoming associated with us, and we will try our best to become a company like customers’ family.
Thank you.
CEO of Hyesoung Global Co., Ltd.